Account Setup

Learn how to configure your Eduaide.Ai account and account preferences to set defaults for output language, grade, and subject.

Setting Your Account Preferences on Eduaide.Ai

Setting up your account preferences on Eduaide.Ai is easy but crucial. It helps the platform's AI generate content that fits your unique needs. This is important as what an elementary teacher needs can be quite different from what a high school teacher needs—reading level, content depth, objectives, and prior knowledge measures to name just a few of the areas affected by choosing your grade level. Here's a guide on how to update your preferences and a checklist to ensure you've covered everything important.


To update your account preferences:
  1. Click the "User Profile" dropdown in the top right of the screen.
  2. Click "Settings" (it is the gear icon).
  3. On the Settings page, look for "Preferences."
  4. You can change your AI output language, grade level, and subject here.


  • Select what language you would like Eduaide.Ai's tools to generate content in.
  • Select the grade level you teach.
  • Select the subject you teach.
Note: Enrichment is a placeholder if your subject is not listed—band, choir, art, or most other subjects not under the four cores and Career and Technical Education will be served here. We are happy to offer a more robust selection of subjects. So please recommend your subject here, or visit our Discord.